Seniors & Caregivers Counselling

It’s not always easy to age gracefully in a world that isn’t gracious about aging.
Growing older can be a time of profound change and adaptation. For some, the transitions that come with aging can be overwhelming. Loss of full-time employment may bring with it a lack of purpose or loneliness and isolation. Changes in physical strength or a serious health diagnosis may result in reduced independence. If you’re a caregiver, looking after a loved one with a chronic condition can be all consuming and may even feel devastating some days. When life becomes challenging, it’s okay to seek support.
A renewed sense of purpose. Hope for tomorrow.
Counselling can help older adults who are transitioning to retirement or assuming new roles (e.g. becoming a grandparent, returning to the workforce later in life) to explore a renewed sense of purpose. It can help those who are faced with physical and cognitive decline associated with aging to adapt and discover new sources of pleasure and meaning. Counselling can help aging adults confront fears associated with their own mortality, which may be exacerbated by the loss of a friend or loved one.
Family members who are helping to care for older relatives can also benefit from therapy. Having a safe and supportive space to discuss your worries or frustrations can help alleviate the stress of caring. Counselling can also help with communication issues, which may be especially useful if the older adult receiving care is living with a form of dementia or cognitive impairment.
You are worthy and you are not alone.
Aging is a part of life and life, at all ages, comes with challenges. If you are struggling, there is no need to suffer in silence and there is healing and hope to be found in seeking support. Astraea can help aging adults and caregivers:
- Discover new passions or interests
- Transition to a new role or identity
- Grieve the loss of a job, a friend or a spouse
- Process & come to terms with a diagnosis that cannot be changed
- Explore fears associated with aging or mortality
- Cope with the stress of providing care to an aging spouse or parent
- Communicate more effectively with individuals with dementia or cognitive impairments
“Aging is not ‘lost youth’ but a new stage of opportunity and strength “
~ Betty Friedan, Activist & Writer

Connect with a Registered Clinical Counsellor
Flexible & By Appointment. Available for in-person & virtual sessions.
Victoria, BC, Canada
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